High quality construction, easy but sturdy assembly, reasonable cost considering the quality level.
If i could give this table 100 stars I would!
My son is 20 months old and plays at this table almost all day. We set it up with trucks, trains and building blocks. It stands up to all his play. Its the perfect height and will likely accomodate his play for years to come.
We bought this through Toys and Co. in Charlotte NC. We have loved using it for my sons trains. He climbs on it so super sturdy and we bought the one with holes so we could build on what we got by adding the theasel and now I see all the other great things too add!! Great sturdy product worth every dime!!
Bought everything, happy with it all. I got a table chest stools base plates you name it we got it. These are high-quality products that will be in my family for life. Trusted brand. Kids love them.
Love this table, also purchased the bins. They are so sturdy and clean up well and have lasted for years. Planning on buying the toy chest to go with table/bins for grandkids.
It’s a fun American success story to tell!
I am happy to share with you my personal experience with this company so that it may encourage you to “go for it” . . . both by making your own dream come true and by going out and purchasing a Nilo® brand childrens play table and/or product!
As many companies are . . . it all started out of my garage in 1992.
My wife and I didn’t find a suitable multi-use play table for our two children, 2 and 4 years of age. So the wife says, “why don’t you make us a kids activity table, honey?”
I did. As per my wife’s instructions, I increased its size to fit the Lego/Duplo® base plates.
Then, holes around the border of the table were added to accommodate Brio-Mec®, a fun construction toy at the time. Bingo, the Nilo® childrens play table was born.
Shortly after its arrival, our friends started flocking over to our house to see this “play table” in action.
They couldn’t believe it. . .
Our kids and theirs were playing quietly around this multi-functional children’s play table.
They watched as the children played in total peace and how our house stayed in order. WOW!