What do parents and grandparents think about the best gift for kids? Is there a trend for any one gift? And which gifts are the most popular in your circle of friends? Building blocks such as wooden building blocks are always a favorite, but what about Legos or Duplos? When it comes to building blocks, do they fare better than regular blocks, or are they just as fun?
Kids Gift Trends
Finding the best gifts for kids can be hard. There’s no clear trend for the best gifts for kids – toys for young children are still largely a matter of preference. However, while real playtime spent with toys has decreased dramatically over the past two decades, it is very important for children to still spend time playing with physical toys and games rather than video games or electronics alone.
Please keep in mind when buying a gift that spending too much time playing video games can increase the chances of health problems such as obesity, weaken muscles & joints, and can even weaken eyesight. There are many other healthful pros and cons revolving around physical toys and activities vs. video games, but these are some of the important factors to consider when buying a gift for a child.
When it comes to safety, most toy industry experts test toys and playthings for key aspects like durability, safety, and parent approval. When it comes to Legos and Duplos, these toys are a great example that pass the test. Make sure that the toys or gifts you buy are safe for your little one!
Age Range
The younger the age of the kid, the more parents opt for gift ideas that kids can use even when they’re years old. Toy cars, trucks, dolls, and building blocks have been big sellers for years that also tend to last. The newest version of those themes are electronic gadgets or add-on options that run on batteries. However, electronic gadgets tend to be for older children because they are more advanced. There are many different kinds of toys that are age-appropriate.
Kids Gift Ideas
Parents and grandparents love to give activity tables, boards games, puzzles, and craft kits as presents for both birthdays and holidays. Kids are also mesmerized by wrapping paper, and what better way to take the present to the next level then getting them an activity table that will last generations! A simple present wrapped in colorful wrapping paper and tied with a small ribbon makes an ideal gift. However, a play table is sure to take the gift to a whole nother level.
For example, a gift basket filled with books, coloring books, activity books, and coloring pictures are great activity presents. The kids just have to open the wrapping, remove the books, color in their activity book, and put them aside. You can also add some new books, a few new coloring books, or some new storybooks to expand the theme. Want to go a bit beyond that? You could add a few activity books on construction, science, cars, or other building themes. A few activity books are just enough to start the kids at square one.
If you want to take it up a notch, you can give kids some really cool “toy building” kits that come with everything you need to build a small toy car, truck, or dragon in no time. You can give the kit to your little one, and then he or she can continue to learn and grow as a person as he or she plays with the toys. This is one of those great gift for kids ideas that will keep on giving because they’ll enjoy it so much.
Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Boys & Girls
For something that’s not as costly as a gift but still functional, consider buying a roll of art paper and markers, paint, or colored pencils. Luckily, we sell art paper right here. These activities work great on the Nilo Theasel which features a puppet theatre, felt board, dry-erase board, paper art roll, and more!
Here’s a list of some gifts that we love for both boys and girls:
- Activity table (#1 choice – provides a center for play and years of fun. You won’t be disappointed!)
- Wooden building blocks
- Building bricks (i.e. Lego, Duplo, Megabloks, Magnablocks etc.)
- Toy trains and train tracks (work great on activity play tables!)
- Play mats (great for cars, planes, dinosaurs, army figures etc.)
- Multiuse Theasel (For painting, drawing, felt board fun, puppet theatre fun and more!)
- Coloring books or activity books
- Toy building kits (cars, trucks, buildings etc.)
- Instruments for kids
- Play-doh or other safe modeling compounds
- Puzzles

Choose the Right Gift
Those are just a few of the different kinds of gift ideas that make great kids gifts this 2021 season. However, it’s important to note that activity tables are perfect for hands-on play-to-learn activities. These hands-on activities contribute to social growth & physical growth plus allows for family time. On the other hand, video games and other electronic activities should be limited due to potential health concerns. There are many articles online that contain more information on the benefits of hands-on play and how the use of electronics should be limited, especially at a young age.
Looking for the perfect gift? Check out our activity play tables and accessories by clicking the button below!